Eco-Warriors – Working with the Community

Tree Planting @ Charnock Park

The Eco-Warriors spent an afternoon observing and helping The Community Forestry Team and Friends of Charnock Park group to plant new trees in Charnock Park. They learnt the positive impact that trees have on the environment and different animals as well as looking at new opportunities to work with the Forestry Team again in the new year.

Creating Safe Spaces for Wildlife

The eco-warriors have had a busy week working with the Friends Of Charnock Recreation Grounds. On Monday, we was gifted a new bird box and feeder to go outside the main reception, the Eco-Warriors helped to fix the bird feeder on to the tree stump and place the bird feeder. Then on Tuesday they visited Charnock Park to observe the willow tree being taken down and replanted.  We are looking forward to visiting more over the next year and watching it grow.
