How CHPA engages with and promotes Pupil Voice
Membership of these groups will be updated for the 2023-24 academic year when they have been chosen/elected.
Head Boy, Head Girl & Deputies
4 x Y6 pupils who are appointed after a democratic vote by staff. These pupils are the face of CHPA and represent us at events and with visitors. They are chosen based upon their effort and conduct through the course of their time at CHPA.
Elected Pupil Groups
Across CHPA, democracy is promoted, develop and practiced through the appointment of Pupil Councillors, Eco-Warriors, which are voted for across every class and year group.
Volunteer Pupil Groups
Across CHPA, pupils are encouraged to volunteer for positions of responsibility to support the effective day-to-day running of the academy. These groups include Y6 Digital Leaders (who ensure IT hardware is charged and in the correct place), Y6 Play Leaders (trained Y6 who work with pupils from all year groups at lunchtime, leading and directing effective play), Y6 Peer Mediators (trained Y6 who work with pupils from all year groups at lunchtime, to resolve and low level conflict or fallouts), Class Librarians (pupils who ensure that their class libraries are well organized and also ensure that when their class uses the library, that it is left in a respectful an tidy manner).
Pupil Questionnaire
Pupil questionnaires are undertaken across CHPA to identify positives and development areas across CHPA for any number of foci from curriculum learning, to safeguarding, to developing CHPA vision & values and behaviour management approaches.
Pupil interviews
Pupil interviews are undertaken with selected groups of pupils to get initial feedback to ideas in addition to feedback following an activity/event.
Pupil consultation – engaging learning
These are used as drivers to identify pupil interest when planning curriculum learning/events.
Worry Boxes
Placed in all classrooms as a place where pupils can write down any worries that a staff member can then follow up on. To support all pupils, we encourage and foster highly effective relationships that encourage pupils to talk.
Pupil Support Officer and Attendance & Safeguarding Officer
An employed member of the CHPA team who is a direct link between pupils/teacher/families/outside services. The importance of this role has been exemplified following the Covid-19 pandemic, with an increase in child mental health needs and MAST/Social Care involvement.
Lunchtime Activity Mentor
An employed member of staff (Monday), who leads different activities and sports aimed at pupils who may not usually be attracted to physically based games at lunchtime.
Bespoke pupil support
Liaison between the SENDCo and Pupil Support Officer ensures that support, particularly at more unstructured times, is available i.e. Lunchtime Club. Additionally, the use of appropriate tools to support pupil learning and coping strategies within class, i.e. fidget toys.