By the time pupils leave CHPA they will be –
- Confident bike riders – in YR pupils have training on balance bikes. By Y6, pupils will have undertaken Bikeability training, to ensure they know how to keep themselves safe when they are out in the community on their bikes.
- Confident swimmers – In KS2, pupils will access swimming lessons form professional swimming teachers, giving them a very important life skill but also giving them a way to keep their minds and bodies active and healthy.
- Musicians – In KS2, all pupils will have the opportunity to learn, play and perform using a musical instrument. They will also learn about musicians and artists from a range of genres and cultures across the world as part of our Artist of the Week celebration.
- Be outdoor adventurers – Pupils in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to participate in residential visits that will stretch their experience and be a real adventure.
- Ocean experts and sleep with the fish!!! – In KS2 pupils will visit The Deep to learn about sea life, the ocean and conservation & they get to sleep next to the huge aquarium.
- Understanding of the thoughts, ideas and beliefs of others – All year groups will visit a different place of worship Y1 – Church, Y2 – , Y3 – , Y4 – , Y5 – , Y6 – , we have visitors including local PCSO who gives us advice to keep us safe, we respect Black History Month and key religious festivals and give thanks during Armistice.
- Bi-lingual – Pupils learn a Spanish from Y3-Y6.
- Sandcastle builders – Through a yearly visit to the seaside, pupils experience what it is like to be part of a traditional British activity by playing on an English beach, building a sandcastle and having an ice-cream – great fun!
- A performer and appreciative of the arts – Across CHPA pupils will perform to peers, and their families at Christmas events, have the opportunity to participate in Young Voices, visit the theatre to see a performance, experience the arts and performance through visiting professional performers and visit the library and an art gallery.
- A successful sportsperson – All pupil will have the opportunity to participate in a number of sporting competitions, to represent CHPA. Learning how to be humble winners and gracious losers.
- Testing their sporting experience – All pupils will have the opportunity, through links with various organisations to experience sports and activities that may not normally be available to them.
- A Chef – Within curriculum experiences, pupils will have the opportunity to peel, chop, kneed, measure, mix, cook and bake.
- Engaged in the community (LOCAL & WIDER) – Work with the community as part of litter picks, raising funds for worthy causes (Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Comic Relief, Children in Need, Sport Relief), support a foodbank.
- Able to keep themselves safe – Working with PCSO, Crucial Crew and other services/experiences, to keep them safe in the community and wider world.
- Knowing of their local area – Visit and experience the local community, Sheffield and all that it has to offer.
- A historian – First-hand experience will plunge pupils into the past time periods, such as Egyptians, Victorians, Greeks, Romans, WWII evacuees.
Immersed in books and a love of reading – Pupils will confidently use the CHPA library, will experience visits to local libraries, listen to the book recommendations of adults and pupils across CHPA through Reading for Pleasure assemblies, and be part of the South Yorkshire Reading Guarantee.