Celebration Assemblies
Parents invited to join CHPA and celebrate their child’s achievements.
Star of the Day Award
Award given on a daily basis by teacher to a member of the class who has been a Charnock All Star during that day.
Positivity phone call home
As part of our Behaviour and Rewards approach, teachers will make positive calls home to deserving pupils on a weekly in order to celebrate the positives of them trying to be a Charnock All-Star.
Parent Consultation events
Twice yearly parent consultation events, where parents have the opportunity to speak with teachers about their child’s learning. These are undertaken in October and July.
Written report
A written report to explain in details how a child is progressing with their academic learning & personal, social and emotional development.
Parent Engagement Sessions
Twice weekly sessions so parents can experience what their children are learning.
Curriculum Celebrations
Parents invited to take part in pupil learning events i.e. Holi – Colour Run, curriculum experience afternoons.
EYFS Online Learning Journey
Parents are able to read the developmental comments and see pictures/videos of their child’s learning.
CHPA website
Platform where information about CHPA, history, assessment data, upcoming events, parental support and pictures and videos of CHPA in action.
Parent Learning Sessions
Timetabled sessions for parents aimed at providing the skills to effectively support their child at home. Sessions include Phonics, Reading, Times Table and Number.
Parent Briefings
Short briefing sessions to inform parents about a significant upcoming event i..e Residential visit, or statutory assessments such as Y2 & Y6 SAT, Y1 PSC and Y4 MTC.
Parent Volunteers
Working with parent volunteers to support identified pupils with their reading/times tables knowledge.
Pupil Learning Diaries
Every pupil has a diary that is shared between home and CHPA to record reading and also serve as a communication tool. This diary also contains key information to help parents support their child with phonics, reading, writing, maths and curriculum subjects at home. Importantly, this information contains key terms and vocabulary that parents would not normally know.
Social Media
Using SM accounts (Facebook & Twitter) and a weekly interactive Newsletter to share examples of pupil learning, CHPA achievements, help & advice, access/links to clubs and events, Artist of the Week.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/charnock.headteacher.7/
Twitter https://twitter.com/charnocklead
Learning Platforms to support home learning
Availability of online learning Platforms, such as Time Table Rockstars, Sum Dog and the online library of reading books.
TTR website- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/teacher
SumDog website – https://www.sumdog.com/en/
The CHPA-PTA are an organization who work extremely hard to organize events and activities that raise money to give pupils the extras that CHPA budgets may be unable to stretch to.
Website https://charnockhallacademy.co.uk/parents/pta/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SupportersofCHS
Twitter https://twitter.com/CHPA_PTA @CHPA_PTA
Weekly update of National Online Safety themes. Opportunity for parents to access wider NOS content as a subscribed user via CHPA sign in.
Website https://nationalonlinesafety.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NationalOnlineSafety
Twitter https://twitter.com/natonlinesafety @natonlinesafety
SchoolComms gateway App
Use of a text/email service to ensure effective and easy communication of key information on an individual, class, year group, Key Stage or CHPA wide scale.
SLT availability
At the start and end of each day, via EYFS/KS1 and KS2 entrances a member of SLT is available to speak with parents with any questions or queries they may have.
Class teacher email
Parents have email access to teachers through class teacher emails to ensure a simple but strictly managed communication system.
Absence & Attendance meetings
Meetings to check in with families who may be experiencing challenges that has resulted in pupil attendance falling, which could negatively impact their learning and development.