EMAIL: [email protected]
TELEPHONE: 01142396083
At Charnock Hall, we endeavour to meet pupils individual needs, whatever they are. We provide for all types of SEN, of which the broad areas are:
The Local Authority admits pupils to the school according to its own admissions policy.
Children who have Education, Health & Care plans which name Charnock Hall Primary Academy are given priority.
All children are assessed on entry. We use the Development Matters – Ages and Stages to assess children on entry to the Early Years Foundation Stage and we use a variety of assessment strategies to support teacher judgements in Key Stage 1 and 2. These assessments tell us how well a pupil is attaining according to age-related expectations.
If a pupil is attaining below their age related expectation in any area, then the first thing that will happen is that their teacher will provide activities which are at the right level for them (this is called differentiation). Progress will then be monitored by the class teacher. Most pupils will make progress if the work provided by their teacher is matched to their needs. Additionally, they may also receive additional support from another teacher or teaching assistant (this is called quality first teaching).
Some have the opportunity to access a catch-up (intervention) programme for a limited period to aid their development. If a pupil isn’t making progress, or isn’t making enough progress, then the teacher will consult the school’s SEND co-ordinator (SENDco). The SENDCO may advise the teacher to carry out some further assessments, such as a reading test, or the SENDCO may advise referring the child to a more specialist professional, such as our external learning support teacher or the speech and language service.
Sometimes we involve health or social care, if we think that would be helpful. We then put more specialised plans in place to meet the needs of the pupil. This is when we say that a child has Special Educational Needs – a child is receiving provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. For one or two pupils an Education, Health and Care needs assessment will be appropriate. This is a statutory process about which parents will be fully informed.
Children who are looked after by the local authority will have planning meetings as a matter of course, these may be more frequent if they have SEND.
Before each planning meeting the class teacher will talk to each child with SEND and find out their views. They might ask about what the child finds easy or hard, who the child goes to for help, what the child would like help with next, what the child likes doing etc. Every day, all the staff who are working with children with SEND are observing them and listening to them. They are alert to children’s feelings and report any changes to the SENDco and the parents.
Planning meetings are then repeated until either the child leaves school, or meetings are no longer needed.
The SENDco from Birley Academy attends the last planning meeting at Charnock Hall before the pupil leaves, to plan everything that needs to happen and ensure a successful transition to the secondary school. If a pupil is moving on to another secondary school, Charnock Hall’s SENDco will contact their SENDCo to arrange a meeting.
At Charnock Hall we are very flexible and will do our best to put in place whatever a child needs, so they are not treated less favourably than other pupils. This could include:
All staff are experienced and trained in meeting pupils SEND needs. When needed, specialist training is arranged so that a child’s plan can be delivered.
At Charnock Hall we have a whole school approach to SEND, it is part of our strategic planning every year. The progress of pupils with SEND is monitored and evaluated; it is on our school development plan and a part of staff performance management.
The Infant (EYFS & KS1) and Junior (KS2) sections of the school are separated by stairs (no lift). The Junior building is quite spread out with toilet facilities being located at the start of a long corridor. We have one accessible toilet with shower. Visual timetables are used where appropriate, dependent upon a child’s needs.
Within school we have a range of equipment available including visual overlays, where it has been recommended by a specialist, and educational resources, for example, Numicon. For more specific needs equipment is often provided by outside agencies when recommended e.g. iPad for visual impairment, writing slopes for dyspraxia, classroom laptops etc.
Should parents of children with SEND have any complaints about the provision for their children, they should contact either the SENDco or the Headteacher. If their complaint is not resolved then they should follow the school complaints procedure, available from the school office and the school website.
The CHPA contribution to the local offer can be found on the Sheffield Directory.
Please note that paper copies of this information are available on request from the school office.