Each class has an ambassador for every subject. One of these ambassadors is chosen to be the CHPA representative. These pupils are
passionate about the subject they represent, they enjoy learning about their chosen subject and are inspirational in leading and
empowering other pupils to feel the same way.
Our Pupil Subject Ambassadors for Music are –
Class 3 – Rosie Mae Fearn
Class 4 – Maggie Browse
Class 5 – Phoebe Locking
Class 6 – Savannah Francis
Class 7 – Ronnie Meadows
Class 8 – Ada Henot
Class 9 – Chloe Bolton
Class 10 – Rasha Al Mohamad
Class 11 – Laurie Fletcher
Class 12 – Joshua Topliss
Class 13 – Evie Bates
Class 14 – Cain Watkinson
Phoebe is the CHPA Music Representative. She said the following about Music, ‘I loved performing ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ on the piano for the KS1 Christmas concert. I am passionate about performing music.’
‘CHPA curriculum equips pupils with the academic and social skills for their current and future life.’
Charnock Hall Primary Academy aims to deliver a 21st century curriculum that inspires and challenges all of our pupils, staff and parents. It promotes the intellectual development of our pupils by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to develop their understanding of the world around them and to develop key learning dispositions that will prepare our pupils for the next stage in their learning journey.
We offer depth of the curriculum, allowing pupils to learn well and use what they have learnt in a range of contexts. In an ever shifting global cultural climate, CHPA aims to ensure that the curriculum is current, relevant and engaging to the pupils it serves, taking account of British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, individual liberty, protected characteristics and our local school community.
Music is taught discreetly following Charanga Scheme and by specialists (ukuleles in Y4 plus individual tuition). Other aspects of the music curriculum are linked to themes, such as different types of music, using ICT to create music etc.