Each class has an ambassador for every subject. One of these ambassadors is chosen to be the CHPA representative. These pupils are
passionate about the subject they represent, they enjoy learning about their chosen subject and are inspirational in leading and
empowering other pupils to feel the same way.
Our Pupil Subject Ambassadors for PSHE are –
Class 3 – Darcie Thornton-Cook
Class 4 – Arielle Fournand
Class 5 – Isla Lynch
Class 6 – Lacie-Lou Turner
Class 7 – Amirah Hamlin
Class 8 – Daisy Keens
Class 9 – Freddie Brown
Class 10 – Nancy Hague
Class 11 – Ava Handzel
Class 12 – Olivia Bryan
Class 13 – Beau Poulson
Class 14 – Jacob Grayson
Freddie is the CHPA PSHE Representative. He said the following about PSHE, ‘I enjoy PSHE because we learn to control our feelings and help others that are angry.’
Relationship and Health Education is committed to supporting all pupils to grow up happy, healthy and safe, and to provide them with the knowledge they need to manage the opportunities and challenges of modern Britain. Through RHE pupils learn about relationships, diversity, respect, healthy lifestyles, safety, the body (and how it changes), reproduction and birth (in a sensitive and age-appropriate way). This is to build the foundation of skills and knowledge that will be further developed at a secondary level and in preparation for adult life. Our key aim in providing RHE is to safeguard our pupils.
The CHPA PSHE programme is based on the needs of pupils, in order to support learning outcomes appropriate to their age, ability and level of maturity. Pupils will be helped to appreciate difference and to respect themselves and others.
PSHE is taught in each year groups throughout CHPA. The curriculum we deliver is age-appropriate and progressive, building pupil knowledge, understanding and skills year on year. RHE will be delivered and parents/carers will be informed of what will be covered annually.
The curriculum will ensure coverage of the following core elements:
1. Families and people who care for me
2. Caring friendships
3. Respectful relationships
4. Online relationships
5. Being safe
At CHPA, we timetable 30 minutes to RHE curriculum learning each week, in order to teach the knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way. Class teachers deliver the weekly lessons to their own classes. However, depending upon the needs of the particular classes, and issues (such as friendship issues and issues within the news) that arise, we may spend more time per week. These lessons are tailored through the PSHE Association Question Based Model including key language and terminology.
Assemblies and collective worship, team points, Class Learning Charters, Charnock Values and LEAD values, through relationships child to child, adult to child and adult to adult across CHPA. We aim to ‘live’ what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations.
As RHE incorporates the development of self-esteem and relationships, pupils’ learning does not just take place through the taught curriculum but through all aspects of school life, including the playground. It is important then that all staff understand they have a responsibility to implement this policy and promote the aims of the Academy at any time they are dealing with children.
Peer mediation is a process by which children and young people themselves help their peers resolve conflict in a constructive, non-violent way. It involves trained mediators helping their peers deal with conflict through a series of mediation steps. It can be used for children and young people of all ages. Children in Year 6 volunteer their time to help support each other through mediation during play times and dinner times for KS1 and KS2 after receiving training.
Peer mediation is a process by which children and young people themselves help their peers resolve conflict in a constructive, non-violent way. It involves trained mediators helping their peers deal with conflict through a series of mediation steps. It can be used for children and young people of all ages. Children in Year 6 volunteer their time to help support each other through mediation during play times and dinner times for KS1 and KS2 after receiving training.
In Year 5, children take part in a practical First Aid Workshop provided by Mini First Aid – Nottingham. They are taught all the life-saving basics they should know. Mini First Aid cover assessing a casualty, CPR, chocking, burns, bleeds, bumps and breaks in their sessions. Children are able to practise the techniques learned on their CPR manikins and choking vests. At the end of the session, children receive a workbook and certificate to take home.
Learning about British values forms a key part of children’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social education. The five British values that the Government has identified for schools to focus on are:
We uphold the British value of Democracy by:
We uphold the British value of the Rule of Law by:
We uphold the British value of individual liberty and work to identify and combat discrimination by:
We uphold the British value of developing personal and social responsibility by:
We uphold the British value of respect for British Institutions by:
Public Sector Equality Duty: PSED in Curriculum
Civic Responsibility: Civic-Responsibility-Overview
SMSC at Charnock Hall: SMSC-at-Charnock
SMSC in the Curriculum: SMSC-in-the-Curriculum
KS2 came together to participate in a water safety assembly lead by Yorkshire Water. Children learnt about different hazards and dangers around rivers, canals, reservoirs, lakes and the sea and how to stay safe when they are near them. Their knowledge was tested at the end with a true or false quiz and they were able to point out hazards and dangers on pictures of different open water.
Children came in their ODD Socks to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2021. Odd socks day is designed to be fun and encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique.
As a way of supporting children’s mental health, we supported the Young Minds campaign #HelloYellow. On Friday 8th October 2021 we asked pupils and all staff to wear something yellow in support of mental health. Children were given the opportunity to enjoy Charnock Park on an afternoon as we recognised the importance of outdoor play and having a break from the classroom.
Before half-term, Alison Cope came into CHPA to speak to our Y5 & 6 children about Staying Safe and Knife crime. The assembly was very engaging and eye-opening for Y5 & Y6 pupils and the adults too. Alison asked them lots of questions and they answered well, although their answers may not have been the ‘right’ ones!!! For example, at the beginning of the assembly they were asked which of the logos for apps they used. Many pupils put up their hands, but no-one did when she asked them who was 13 or older – the room fell silent. A similar scenario happened when they were asked if they had played GTA (Grand Theft Auto) – Alison went on to explain that this game has been banned in some countries, including the UK due it’s level of violence particularly towards women. Alison discussed the harm of violent games and asked pupils where on the body would you stab or shoot someone to kill them. The majority answered heart or head, this then led onto the sad story of her own son and the events leading up to his death and it being linked to Social Media.
Here are some quotes from children and family members:
Karim, Kian and Charlie – Y6 said, “I liked it, it was better than previous assemblies because it has actually happened to someone and brought it to life. It was nice coming from someone who has experienced this trauma and it was really in depth.”
Poppy, Tilly, Izzy – Y6 said, “It was quite sad but it was really important. The story behind it sad but it needed to be told. It was very informative. Alison (Joshua’s mum) was happy to discuss her son’s life and was really confident. She was extremely proud of her son. This assembly shocked us but more importantly raised awareness. This definitely had a positive impact on CHPA. Thank you Alison.”
Eva – Y5 “It was very sad but it was very good as it taught us to never carry knives in the future and not to be scared”.
Izaac – Y5 “I think it was good because when she showed us some apps and games that we play, I didn’t realise we are not old enough to play these. It also made me feel safer that not many people carry knives and only 2% do”.
Harrison – Y6 “I was initially scared, but now after talking about the issues involved I understand it better”.
Parent of Lucas Y5 emailed CHPA saying, “Lucas has come home wanting to have grown-up discussions about the topics raised and I think it’s a brave and brilliant decision to have her in speaking to primary age children.
She’s an incredible lady and I’m so glad Lucas has had the chance to hear her speak, so a huge thanks to whoever organised.”
Thank you to Beth at The Amber Project (Sheffield Child Exploitation Service) who supported us to invite Alison into CHPA and also to Ronny at Aspire Boxing Gym (Springs) for securing funding to enable the local community to access such important people and messages.
Throughout the final week of Spring 1 2023, it was Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme was ‘Let’s Connect’. The Pupil Council decided a great way to connect with each other was a visit to the park, where you could play with your friends, classmates and even teachers!
CHPA thoroughly enjoyed this and it was a lovely way to bring Spring 1 to a close.