Remote Learning Plan – Covid-19

Remote Learning Plan

CHPA implemented research from the Educational Endowment Foundation as a basis for our approach to remote learning.

When implementing strategies to support pupils’ remote learning, or supporting parents to do this, key things to consider included:

  • Teaching quality is more important than how lessons are delivered
  • Ensuring access to technology is key, especially for disadvantage pupils
  • Peer interactions can provide motivation and improve learning outcomes
  • Supporting pupils to work independently can improve learning outcomes
  • Different approaches to remote learning suit different types of content and pupils

CHPA adopted Tiered Approach

  1. Children on transition back into school to support re-integration (blended package)
  2. Individual child self-isolating
  3. Small group closure/isolation
  4. Bubble closure/year group
  5. Whole academy closure

To prepare and plan for the possibility of closure, we put in place a Pupil Learning Platform. All pupils and parent have access to this secure platform to allow for effective home/remote learning to take place as need requires.

This link directs you to the EEF research surrounding remote learning

Documents to support our approach, which have been published to parents are