

Pupil Subject Abassadors

Each class has an ambassador for every subject. One of these ambassadors is chosen to be the CHPA representative. These pupils are

passionate about the subject they represent, they enjoy learning about their chosen subject and are inspirational in leading and

empowering other pupils to feel the same way.

Our Pupil Subject Ambassadors for Maths are –

Class 3 – Star Shabayo

Class 4 – Noah Stanton-Ludlam

Class 5 – Jacob Pigott

Class 6 – Martha Hague

Class 7 – Freddie Liversidge

Class 8 – Jack Moran

Class 9 – Lewis Copley

Class 10 – Henry Forster

Class 11 – Toby Burkhill

Class 12 – Mikey Mizler

Class 13 – Oliver Jordan

Class 14 – Skyla Henderson


Martha is the CHPA Mathematics Representative.  She said the following about Maths,  ‘I love Maths. It’s not always easy but I persevere. I help others when I can and I love to challenge myself by doing deepenings.’


The mathematics curriculum at Charnock Hall Primary Academy is supported through a developed framework. At CHPA, it is important that we provide a personalised mathematics curriculum to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to continuously progress throughout their educational journey and develop enjoyment of the subject. This is achieved through the ‘mastery approach’. Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid understanding of the maths that has been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.

During our maths lessons, pupils are encouraged to SLAM – ‘Speak Like A Mathematician’. This means pupils speak and answer in full sentences, use accurate mathematical vocabulary, and answer questions concisely. The SLAM burst is used as a visual reminder to ensure pupils are doing this at all times.

Slam image 2

Early Years and Foundation Stage

In preparation for maths mastery in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, EYFS follow the Number sense approach. Number Sense refers to a child’s fluidity and flexibility with numbers. It helps children to understand what numbers mean, improving their performance of mental mathematics, and giving them the tools to look at maths in the outside world and make comparisons. Number sense focuses on teaching a new number every two weeks and builds in key concepts and facts of that number.

Application of this learning is provided through a mixture of adult led and child- initiated activities both inside and outside of the classroom through continuous provision, enhancements and challenges in order to embed mathematical knowledge

Power Maths

At CHPA our mathematics curriculum is supported by a Department for Education (DfE) recommended scheme of work, Power Maths, which ensures that the key concepts and areas of mathematics are covered. Work is organised into units which have been closely aligned with the NCETM’s ‘Ready to Progress Criteria’ which highlights the intended learning goals for the end of each year.  High quality learning is achieved through interactive teaching tools, rich, quality textbooks and lesson materials. As teachers, we ensure that this is consistently delivered, so that your child’s knowledge grows over time and they are able to apply maths successfully to real life situations.

Should you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher or follow this link to Power Maths .


Times Table Rockstars

TT Rockstars is an online and paper game-based system that allows pupils in Key Stage 2 to enhance their multiplication skills. Times tables are set and tracked based on the individual’s needs and multiplication facts which the pupil is consistently taking longer to answer are targeted and presented more frequently until the user has mastered them. Children use a variety of games and competitions to practise their multiplication fluency and teachers can track their progress using a range of online tools, which informs our teaching. We also hold termly Times Table Rockstar tournaments to engage and enthuse pupils in their learning while working towards the ultimate prize of the TTRS trophy!

Every pupil is provided with a login and password, to enable them to access the TT Rockstars system via PC, laptop, tablet by following this link

An app can also be downloaded onto tablet or mobile phone vie the following links


Google Play

Amazon Store

Go and earn some coins and strive to be at the top of the leaderboard!



NumBots is an online learning platform that allows pupils in Key Stage one and EYFS to develop their understanding, recall and fluency of mental addition and subtraction facts. This supports pupils in moving from counting to calculating. Through different game modes, pupils are presented with a tailored programme in which target questions are presented until pupils have mastered efficient recall of facts. Teachers monitor and track progress and use this information to tailor teaching to the needs of pupils.

Every child is provided with a login and password to enable them to access the NumBots programme via PC, laptop or tablet by following the link here.

An app can also be downloaded onto a tablet or mobile phone using the following links:


Google Play

Amazon Store

White Rose – 1 Minute Maths

The White Rose 1-Minute app allows children to build greater number confidence and fluency through small minute sized learning chunks. Pupils answer a unique set of questions before receiving tailored feedback on their performance. Topics covered include addition and subtraction, subutising and multiplication and division. Hints and helpful clues are shown when pupils appear to be struggling.

The app can be downloaded using one of the following links


Google Play

Amazon Store

Maths Celebration Days/Weeks

At CHPA, we celebrate Maths throughout the year with a focused day, week or month to further raise the profile of Maths in school. These celebrations are launched through a whole school assembly approach and then activities are carried out and completed in individual classes as well as through mixing classes and key stages. Activities are all aimed to be practical, highly engaging, challenging and most of all fun!

This academic year 2024/25 we will be celebrating:

  • Maths Week England: (11th– 17th November 2024)
  • Barvember (White Rose bar model problems): November 2024
  • NSPCC Number Day: 7th February 2025
  • National Numeracy Day: 21st May 2025

Good luck and enjoy your maths!

Maths Overviews